Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Welly welly welly welly welly welly well! Once upon a time there was a marvelous shoppe that Amber spotted. Through the display window, she saw dozens of fascinating and shiny things. In the end, she bought a pair of earrings and a flapper-style hair clip thingy, and it was all inexpensive, and many German children sang.

Today was a day she spent exploring the town in a more observant way. She made a somewhat successful attempt at seeing the world through a camera lens and simultaneously through her own eyes, which was a difficult crusade. I'm entirely sick of writing in third person now.

Yesterday I forgot to mention that I have managed to grasp hold of a library card! Happy times. I've rented Ayn Rand's "The Fountainhead," and her writing style is very fascinating, based on Chapter 1.

Under the narrowed eyes of the disgruntled landlady, we've moved into the 4th Street Inn. We're here to prove to her that not all young people are going to set fire to her abode. Caleb might, though.

It always irks me a little when I post a picture that doesn't go with what I was just talking about, but I'm going to do it anyway.

Anyway, I also ate some chips and tango before taking a salsa class. Wait... switch those.



  1. it makes me so happy to read you...but also makes me miss you terribly...i smile through most of your posts, though, because you're just so....YOU!! keep writing (and stop staying up so late!!!)

  2. Ayn Rand - Awesome! I read The Fountainhead when I was living in San Francisco (maybe it's a great book to read on the west coast?) Love the posts and pics (haunting) and YOU!
